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Poll Says Obama Would Lose Iowa

Hannah Madans |
February 19, 2012 | 1:30 p.m. PST

Executive Producer

courtesy Creative Commons
courtesy Creative Commons
The first general election poll shows three of the four presidential candidates beating President Barack Obama in Iowa.

The poll, released by the Des Moines Register, has Ron Paul, Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney all beating Obama. Newt Gingrich is the only candidate not polling ahead of the president incumbent. The poll showed him losing to Obama by 14 percentage points.

The poll showed that although most conservatives would stick with Gingrich, 20 percent of conservatives dislike him enough that they would instead vote for Obama.

A similar poll in November showed much more support for Gingrich.

Of all the candidates, Paul is beating Obama by the most, 7 percentage points.

"He shows crossover appeal," Carol Hunter, political editor for the Register told ABC. "In some ways he does better in a general election match up than he does against the Republicans."

Paul has performed strongly in several states, but has yet to win a primary or caucus.

Santorum was shown to lead Obama 48 to 44 percent and Romney leads 46 to 44 percent.

The poll concluded that one reason Santorum and Paul may have done so well is that they have yet to face the same amount of negative advertisement rivals Gingrich and Romney have endured.

The poll also found that Paul has a strong following among younger voters and Santorum has a strong backing among conservative voters, but not with the youth.

Iowa is where Obama’s winning 2008 campaign was launched.


Reach Executive Producer Hannah Madans here.



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