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Politics Today: Nevada GOP Caucus, Jon Stewart Mocks Trump Endorsement

Tracy Bloom |
February 3, 2012 | 3:10 p.m. PST

Deputy Editor

How The Nevada Caucuses Are Different From Iowa: If you thought the Iowa caucuses were confusing, just wait for Nevada. Tomorrow's caucuses promise to be...confusing, to say the least. The counties were allowed this year to set their own caucus procedures meaning that, unlike Iowa, the caucuses do not start and end at the same time. As First Read succinctly describes it: "Frankly, the process is a bit of a joke: The caucus places start and stop at different times throughout the state."  Doors open as early as 8 a.m., in some places, though some will start later than that. All must wrap up before 3 p.m., with the exception of one in Clark County (more on that shortly). Additionally, unlike in Iowa, there is no same day voter registration, meaning only Republicans can participate. (For more information, The Las Vegas-Sun has put together a helpful primer of Saturday's caucuses in the Silver State.)

Billionaire Las Vegas Gingrich Backer Gets Special Caucus: And to make the whole process even more confusing, a special caucus will be held in Las Vegas for those observing the Sabbath. Among them, Las Vegas billionaire and Newt Gingrich backer Sheldon Adelson. The extra caucus will be held, coincidently, at the Dr. Miriam and Sheldon G. Adelson Educational Campus. It will begin at 7 p.m., two hours after initial results from the 16 smaller counties will be released, and at the same time as the results for Clark County - the largest county in Nevada, which includes Las Vegas - will be announced. As The Atlantic points out, the arrangement leaves open the policy for voter fraud: "The bizarre arrangement leaves the door open to all kinds of campaign hijinks. Party officials say attendees at the evening caucus will have to sign an affidavit swearing that they didn't already vote earlier, and their names will be checked against the voter rolls. Officials expect about 500 to attend the evening caucus, and while it is meant to accommodate those who observe a Saturday sabbath, such as Jews and Seventh-Day Adventists, the party won't 'police' that requirement, executive director David Gallagher said on Friday's conference call." 

Romney Headed Towards Big Victory In Nevada: Regardless of how confusing the whole process is, it appears Mitt Romney will win - and win big at that - in Nevada tomorrow. A new Public Polling Policy survey shows Romney polling at 50 percent, while his next closest challenger - Newt Gingrich - is polling at 25 percent. Ron Paul finished third at 15 percent, while Rick Santorum is at the back of the pack with 8 percent of the support.

Koch Brothers Pledge Tens OF Millions Of Dollars To Defeat Obama: Whoever the 2012 Republican presidential nominee is will have the financial support of the conservative Koch brothers, who recently pledged to spend $100 million to defeat Barack Obama in the general election. According to The Huffington Post, the Koch brothers met with hundreds of wealthy donors at a private, three-day retreat in California last weekend where the pledge was made. Charles Koch reportedly pledged $40 million, while David Koch is said to have pledged $20 million.

Stewart Weighs In On Trump's Romney Endorsement: Ever since Donald Trump fell out of the Republican primary media spotlight, "The Daily Show" host Jon Stewart has said he's been left with a "mogul-shaped hole" in his heart. Luckily for Stewart, Trump made his way back onto the national stage in big way - with a major announcement. The news, naturally, excited Stewart - until he found out that Trump was endorsing Mitt Romney. Here's the video:



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