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Maldives Former President Calls On Successor To Resign

Benjamin Gottlieb |
February 10, 2012 | 11:34 a.m. PST

Executive Editor

Male, capital of the Maldives (Via Creative Commons).
Male, capital of the Maldives (Via Creative Commons).
Former ousted president of the Maldives Mohamed Nasheed called on his successor to resign Friday, amid surging international intrigue into the nation's military-backed coup earlier this week.

Nasheed, who became the first democratically elected president of the island nation in 2008, resigned Tuesday after weeks of opposition protests culminated in a police revolt. On Wednesday, Nasheed was taken away by police and has been confined to his family home in Male, the nation's capital, ever since.

"I am not asking to be reinstated. I am asking for fresh elections within the next two months," Nasheed told the Guardian from his home. "[Mohamed] Waheed has to resign."

Nasheed said he was forced out of power by a group of Maldivian soldiers after they threatened violence and instability in the country. Since then, his vice president Waheed has taken control of the country.

"There has to be judicial reform and reform of the criminal justice system in this country. Status quo cannot be maintained," Nasheed told the Guardian. "[The] international community needs to do more, they have to see the situation in Maldives, the real picture."

The Maldives are a collection of 26 atolls located off the west coast of India in the Indian Ocean. And although the island nation is the smallest in terms of area in South Asia, it is a prime thoroughfare for shipping in the region, according to the Los Angeles Times

The former president has also threatened mass street protests if the newly formed government, already backed by the United States, does not resign, Reuters reported.

The recent coup is not the first attempt by oppositional forces to gain power -- coups were attempted in 1980, 1983 and 1988 during the reign of former 30-year president, Maumoon Abdul Gayoom.


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