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"Grey's Anatomy" Recap: "If Only You Were Lonely"

Elizabeth Pereira |
February 24, 2012 | 2:00 p.m. PST

Staff Reporter

"Grey's Anatomy" airs Thursdays (Photo courtesy of ABC)
"Grey's Anatomy" airs Thursdays (Photo courtesy of ABC)
Webber woke up to a different alarm than usual on last night’s episode of "Grey’s Anatomy": the fire alarm. And when he sprinted downstairs he came across a fire in his kitchen and a frantic Adele.

To say that Adele’s Alzheimer’s is getting worse would be the ultimate understatement. And last night Webber wrestled with the idea of having Adele committed to Rose Ridge, where Meredith’s mother previously stayed.

And while Meredith insisted that he was in over his head, Webber just couldn’t accept such a drastic decision.

Meanwhile at the hospital, the ER was kept busy after an espresso machine blew up at a local coffee shop. Half of the barista’s face was completely burnt and a customer’s bone was sticking out of his arm. Who knew that a quality cup of coffee could cause so much harm?

What’s more is the injured customer was head over heels for the barista and felt that they had some sort of “sexual tension” because she knew his order by heart. Little did he know she had absolutely no idea who he even was. 

Despite the chaos in the ER, Cristina was distracted… busy following around a nurse, Emily, whom she was convinced was having an affair with Owen. And even when she tried to get a little frisky with him, he was still as distant as ever. 

Sloane noticed that Avery wasn’t “getting any” either, which was quite obvious given his testy attitude towards a patient and paramedic. So naturally, Sloane took matters into his own hands and spent the episode trying to help Avery get some action.

He even suggested to Kepner that she and Avery because more than just “study buddies.” But alas, turns out Avery is still pining over Lexie.

Speaking of Lexie, she was given a change in pace in last night’s episode as she was given the opportunity to work in pediatrics for the day. Sick of working with the heart breaking “lost causes” with Derek in neuro, she hoped that working with kids would be uplifting and inspiring. Boy was she wrong.

Her patient was the intern Morgan’s 14 oz. premature baby. Struggling to stay healthy, Morgan’s boyfriend served as a gloomy reminder that his chances of survival were a mere 13%. He figured that with the possibility of the baby surviving so low, there really was no point in even trying to save him.

His relentless pessimism would ultimately be the downfall of their relationship, as Morgan asked him to leave and decided to do whatever it takes to save her baby. 

Meanwhile Derek was given the task of taking Zola to day care, as Meredith had started her vigorous study regime with Callie. But he was perplexed by all of the stares he was receiving by some of the mothers, and believed that it was because people were racist.

It wasn’t until he called a woman out that Bailey told him he was dead wrong. People were actually staring at the mess that was Zola’s hair and Bailey had to step in to teach him how it’s done. 

Teddy was still refusing to even look at Owen, even going so far as to yell at him in the operating room. Little did she know that hours before he had had ensured she receive a four million dollar grant for stem cell research. Callie stepped in and told Owen that he didn’t deserve to be treated the way he had been treated, especially in front of other surgeons in the OR. 

And in the end Webber walked into yet another scene upon returning from the hospital, hearing screams and shattered glass as he walked in the door. Not only did Adele not recognize her nurse, but she didn’t even recognize her own husband, leaving Webber completely beside himself. When she finally calmed down, Adele herself actually decided that it would be best if she went to Rose Ridge. 

Watch "Grey’s Anatomy" on ABC every Thursday at 9 p.m. 

Reach reporter Elizabeth Pereira here



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