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"Grey's Anatomy" Recap: "Have You Seen Me Lately?"

Elizabeth Pereira |
February 17, 2012 | 1:03 p.m. PST

Staff Reporter

Photo courtesy of ABC.
Photo courtesy of ABC.
In a special episode Thursday night, "Grey’s Anatomy" crossed over with "Private Practice", a risky brain surgery being the main link.

Derek’s sister Amy came to Seattle Grace hoping Derek could help her on a seemingly inoperable brain tumor. Amy thought that she could remove the tumor with Derek’s help.

The only catch? The tumor had to be removed in 90 seconds or less before her patient would die… no pressure or anything.

As many might assume, Derek was not too fond of the idea and refused to partake in the surgery. 

Meanwhile Christina and Owen decide to take their many issues to marriage counseling, where their communication and intimacy problems are put to the test.

It seems that Owen just cannot get over the fact that Cristina does not want kids and aborted their child. Bottom line, each needs the other to be their “person,” but their constant disagreements have proven to be a thwarting obstacle.

Back at the hospital, Meredith and the rest of the residents have begun studying for their board’s exam. Callie has a secret and, apparently flawless, studying method.  

She and Webber decide that Meredith is worthy of the exquisite approach… but only if she can prove it. And so Callie tells Meredith that her day will be a “grind”… literally. A man comes in with his arm stuck inside a meat grinder and Callie leaves every decision up to Meredith as a test.

While initially Meredith thought that amputation was the best option, she was able to find some viable fingers. Ultimately she decides to use one of the man’s toes (not kidding) to replace his thumb that literally resembled ground meat. Meredith thus proves herself with her ingenuity, and Callie agrees to help her ace the board’s exam.                       

Alex has his own approach to studying: having interns make note cards and test him. One intern in particular, Morgan (whom Alex keeps calling Meghan), is testing Alex during his surgery when she suddenly collapses.

Not only is she pregnant and has to deliver her baby prematurely, but turns out she is actually having a heart attack. And Alex comes to the conclusion that he has been so concerned worrying about himself, he knows nothing about the interns he works with on a day-to-day basis. 

Sloane and Avery were busy dealing with Bailey, as she hovered over their every move with a “miracle” patient she had worked with extensively.

Even though she was initially reluctant to let them do a surgery on her lymph nodes, she decided to let them go through with it, only if they read and re-read her file. But during the surgery Avery kicked her out of the operating room because of her constant remarks and questioning as she watched over hem like a hawk. 

Even though Derek had originally shot down Amy’s surgery proposition, she refused to give up on the idea and spent the majority of the episode practicing with Lexie. But she just could not get the tumor removed in 90 seconds… that is until Derek walked in and warmed up to the idea.

Together they were able to complete the practice surgery in less than 90 seconds and they decide to go through with the extremely time sensitive procedure.  

The surgery actually takes place during the “Private Practice” episode. Derek and Amy tell the patient they need to do the surgery as soon as possible so that the tumor does not grow in size.

While the patient is initially skeptical, she decides to go through with the surgery that will hopefully save her life…. In just 90 seconds. Will Derek and Amy succeed? Or will all their practice prove to be a waste of time?

Ready. Set. Operate. 

Reach reporter Elizabeth Pereira here

Check Neon Tommy every week for Elizabeth's recaps on "Grey's Anatomy." 



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