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Federal Judge Blocks Day Labor Rules In AZ Immigration Law

Hannah Madans |
February 29, 2012 | 3:34 p.m. PST

Executive Producer

Governor Jan Brewer (courtesy Creative Commons)
Governor Jan Brewer (courtesy Creative Commons)
A federal judge blocked police in Arizona from enforcing a section of the state’s controversial 2010 immigration enforcement law Wednesday. The law prohibits people from blocking traffic when they offer day labor services on streets.

U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton decided that groups seeking to overturn the law would succeed in claims that the section of the law violates the First Amendment, reports the Associated Press. Day laborers claimed that they had a right to share their desire to work.

The Supreme Court will decide this summer if Arizona can enforce the rest of its controversial immigration law, SB 1070.

The bill was signed in April 2010 and took effect July 2010. It gave state authorities the power to enforce numerous laws addressing illegal immigrants. These laws were previously enforced only by federal authorities.



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