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Deputy Who Arrested Mel Gibson Settles Suit

Andrew McIntyre |
February 15, 2012 | 12:30 a.m. PST

Executive Producer

The deputy who pulled over and arrested Mel Gibson for drunk driving in 2006 tentatively settled his suit against the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, according to attorneys.

James Mee claimed he suffered discrimination within the department after resisting requests to remove the actor's anti-Semitic slurs from the initial police report.

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The case was set to go to trial, but Mee apparently settled for $50,000.

Yael Trock, one of Mee's attorneys, from FoxNews:

"Deputy Mee loved and still loves being a sheriff's deputy... All he wants to do is to put his employment dispute behind him and go back to his work protecting the public."

Steve Whitmore, spokesman for Sheriff Lee Baca, from Los Angeles Times:

"The sheriff has no qualms with the settlement. We obviously accept no responsibility or liability … it was a business decision."



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