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CPAC: The Best Argument For Contraception Is Rachel Maddow

Hannah Madans |
February 9, 2012 | 6:30 p.m. PST

Executive Producer

courtesy Creative Commons
courtesy Creative Commons
Conservative pundit and columnist Cal Thomas took a low-blow shot at Rachel Maddow during Thursday’s CPAC conference in Washington. A clip from "Meet the Press," where Maddow said Republicans were “waging a war on contraception,” was shown.

The clip was met with many boos. Thomas said he was glad the clip was played because “she [Maddow] is the best argument in favor of her parents using contraception. I would be all for that and all the rest of the crowd at MSNBC too for that matter," reports the Huffington Post.

Maddow is an MSNBC host.

Thomas continued on a more serious note that the mandate contraceptive coverage was a bad decision.

“All great inhumanities and outrages start at the fringes,” he said according to The Daily Caller. “So you have the 95-year-old, double brain tumor, sclerotic grandma who has signed a living will and wants the government to kill her — although we won’t call it like that — and that is how euthanasia gets accepted. You have something like this, that is forced into the insurance policies of not only Catholics, but any religious institution or even a secular one that may not believe in doing this, it does not matter and it is a wedge issue for them. Once they establish the beachhead as a right to do this, then they will use that as precedent for increasing righteousness.”


Reach executive producer Hannah Madans here.



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