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Cheap Thrills: Valentine's Day For The 99 Percent

Candice Aman |
February 13, 2012 | 10:53 p.m. PST

Senior Arts Editor

(Creative Commons)
(Creative Commons)
Supermarket aisles have exploded with a menagerie of red and pink miniature chocolates, heart-shaped balloons are being delivered to classrooms and offices across the country, and boys have relinquished their cooties, if only for one day, which can mean that Valentine’s Day, also known to some as Single Awareness Day, is here once more.

For romantics that celebrate the former holiday will know, Valentine’s Day can put a pretty deep dent into a wallet and let’s face it, in this economy, not everybody will have the budget to splurge on champagne and caviar. Regardless, this day should be as enjoyable for those who plan to uncork the Dom Perignon as it is for those who are going to twist off the cap of an ice-cold beer.

If you are on a budget consisting of purely shoestrings and pennies, have no fear: for the 99 percent, here is a short list of some tips and tricks that will guarantee for a memorable day that will not leave you having to occupy the bank afterwards.

The Gifts:

On the busiest flower-giving day of the season, a bouquet from 1-800-Flowers will set you back around $80, and that is only one component for Valentine’s Day. According to the National Retail Association, the average consumer is expected to spend even more this year. Instead of sacrificing a large portion of your paycheck on a pretty arrangement that will not make it to the following week, get your creative juices and make your own gifts instead. Roses can be made out of almost any malleable material including duct tape and napkins. In addition to saving a nice chunk of change, your date will also be far more impressed with your craftiness.

The Food:

By now, you would have to scrounge around in order to reserve seats at most restaurants advertising Valentine’s Day specials. Take the scrambling out from the equation and cook dinner at home instead. From a mouth-watering rack of lamb to a delectable coeur a la crème, Food Network has created a menu for you and your beau that is both indulgent and easy to make. Learn a new skill with your partner by turning the cookinginto the date, so that the feast after will be all that much sweeter.

The Date:

Los Angeles boasts some of the most unique and incredible museums in the country. The best part is that most are usually free of charge. Check out the many ongoing exhibits that are presented by Pacific Standard Time, where there is sure to be something to fit anyone's artistic taste. Those who are feeling extra spirited can go to see artist De Wain Valentine's 3,500 lb polyester resin sculpture on Valentine's Day at the Getty.

For more ideas, email Candice here. Follow her on twitter.



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