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The Best Of Burberry Prorsum Fall 2012

Audrey Noble |
February 20, 2012 | 4:03 p.m. PST

Staff Reporter

Burberry took a step away from the classic, sophisticated pieces it is used to showing and went a little quirky. This collection definitely speaks to a younger crowd. Mustard, brown, hunter green and wine dominated the color palette. The collection featured lots of stripes, bow-tie belts, owl printed t-shirts, and probably the biggest key piece, cropped bomber jackets. Here are the top three looks of the show:

1. Classic Trench Coat 

Burberry Prorsum Fall 2012. Image found on Fabsugar.
Burberry Prorsum Fall 2012. Image found on Fabsugar.

Staying true to what Burberry is known for, the Fall collection featured the classic trench made of velvet, in a dark, wine color. The bow-tie belt that cinches the waist nicely juxtaposes the tough leather gloves, giving it a feminine touch. The look is completed with high-heeled booties and dark tights. What a perfect and chic ensemble for the cold winter!







2. Striped Tee With Velvet Pencil Skirt

Burberry Prorsum Fall 2012. Image found on New York Times.
Burberry Prorsum Fall 2012. Image found on New York Times.

What better way to make a pencil skirt look completely young and fresh than pairing it with a t-shirt? The striped tee balances the sophistication of the velvet pencil skirt and makes it look completely wearable and more casual-chic. A brown and blue striped combo is the perfect color match for a dark teal. The look is completed with studded gloves, high-heeled booties and the signature bow-tie belt.










3. The Bomber Jacket

Burberry Prorsum Fall 2012. Image found on New York Times
Burberry Prorsum Fall 2012. Image found on New York Times

This is a must own. Throw this bomber jacket with the striped tee and velvet skirt, and your outfit just looks cool. The colors evenly match, with the red stripe matching the wine colored jacket and the brown stripe matching the olive green skirt. Even throwing in the bow-tie belt works well with the outfit. It is arguably the best way to incorporate the bomber jacket in the collection. 


Reach reporter Audrey here. Follow her on twitter




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