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American Detained In Pakistan After Bullets Found In Luggage

Andrew McIntyre |
February 14, 2012 | 12:31 a.m. PST

Executive Producer

Pakistani officials held and questioned an American at an airport in northwestern Peshawar Tuesday after they discovered bullets in his luggage.

A Pakastani officer said the man claimed to be a U.S. diplomat, Washington Post reported.

Peshawar, where an American was held and questioned (Creative Commons)
Peshawar, where an American was held and questioned (Creative Commons)

At least 12 bullets were discovered in the man's baggage.

Senior police superintendent Tahir Ayub, from Reuters:

"He has been detained at the airport and is under interrogation... We are in contact with the foreign office in Islamabad to check about his background and tell us if he has diplomatic immunity."

The U.S., which has a large consolate in Peshawar, is "looking into the report," MSNBC reports.




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