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Romney Leads In South Carolina Polls

Hannah Madans |
January 15, 2012 | 4:36 p.m. PST

Associate News Editor

courtesy Creative Commons
courtesy Creative Commons
A new Reuters/Ipsos poll shows Mitt Romney with a huge lead over his GOP competitors. Romney had 37 percent support, which gave him a 21-point lead over Ron Paul and Rick Santorum who are tied for second place with 16 percent support, according to The Daily Beast.  Newt Gingrich has fallen to fourth place, with only 12 percent support.

The poll also found that both Republican and Democratic voters in South Carolina favored Romney over Obama 46 to 40 percent, according to Reuters.

"In primary races things can change quickly but it does look like Romney is in position to win South Carolina, and if he wins ... that's sort of the end of the road for most of his challengers," Ipsos pollster Chris Jackson told Reuters.

South Carolina has voted Republican in nine of the last 10 presidential elections.


Reach associate news editor Hannah Madans here.


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