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President Obama And Gov. Brewer Share Tense Tarmac Exchange

Christine Detz |
January 25, 2012 | 6:43 p.m. PST

Executive Producer

Pres. Obama and Gov. Brewer have a tense exchange (Photo by Hazar N. Ghanbari/AP Photo)
Pres. Obama and Gov. Brewer have a tense exchange (Photo by Hazar N. Ghanbari/AP Photo)
They have never been friends, politically speaking, but the divide between President Obama and Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer may have grown after the two exchanged a tense greeting at a Phoenix airport on Wednesday.

 Reuters reported on Brewer’s account of the tarmac exchange:

“During their brief encounter on the tarmac, intended to be a ceremonial welcome, Obama told Governor Jan Brewer that he   disagreed with an account she had given of a meeting they had at the White House two years ago.

'He was a little disturbed about my book, 'Scorpions for Breakfast,' Brewer told reporters after the conversation. At one point during their chat, she pointed a finger at the president.”

The incident occurred after Brewer gave the president a note requesting a meeting with him to discuss Arizona’s “comeback”

“The governor handed the president a letter and said she was inviting him to meet with her. The president said he’d be glad to meet with her again, but did note that after their last meeting, a cordial discussion in the Oval Office, the governor inaccurately described the meeting in her book,” the official told reporters, on condition of anonymity according to ABC News.

President Obama kicked off a three-day political tour in Arizona.  He plans on visiting five states in an effort to drive home the message of the State of the Union Address he delivered Tuesday night.



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