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Libyans Tortured To Death By Military and Security

Hannah Madans |
January 26, 2012 | 7:30 p.m. PST

Executive Producer

Groups connected to the new government are holding more than 8,500 detainees accused of being loyal to former dictator Muammar Gaddafi.  (courtesy Creative Commons)
Groups connected to the new government are holding more than 8,500 detainees accused of being loyal to former dictator Muammar Gaddafi. (courtesy Creative Commons)
Amnesty International said Thursday that several people have been tortured to death by “officially recognized military and security entities” of the interim government.

"The torture is being carried out by officially recognized military and security entities as well as by a multitude of armed militias operating outside any legal framework," a spokesman for London-based Amnesty told the BBC.

"After all the promises to get detention centers under control, it is horrifying to find that there has been no progress to stop the use of torture," Donatella Rovera, also from Amnesty, told the BBC.

Doctors Without Borders has suspended operations in Misrata after treating 115 patients with torture wounds, according to The Daily Beast.

Doctors Without Borders claims patients were being brought to them between interrogation sessions.

Amnesty told the BBC that it saw patients in Tripoli, Misrata and Gheryan with open wounds to their head, limbs and back.

Groups connected to the new government are holding more than 8,500 detainees accused of being loyal to former dictator Muammar Gaddafi.

"The lack of oversight by the central authority creates an environment conducive to torture and ill treatment," UN human rights chief Navi Pillay told the BBC. "My staff have received alarming reports that this is happening in places of detention they have visited."


Reach executive producer Hannah Madans here.

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