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Daily Hollywood – A Wet Hot American Reading, Bret Easton Ellis’ Porn Star, and More

N.D. Plume |
January 24, 2012 | 12:37 a.m. PST

Staff Reporter

The Wet Hot American Summer crew may not be gearing up for round 2 anytime soon, but some of the cast members, including Paul Rudd and Amy Poehler, teamed up for a live radio play showing of the film script. (EW)

Ben Stiller and Alan Alda will be facing off in a new comedy for HBO. The comedy, by Jonathan Safran Foer (he of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close), will be centered on a Jewish family in DC. I’m normally an HBO drama junkie, but this comedy sure has a lot of acting chops on board. (The Hollywood Reporter)

Bret Easton Ellis, the twisted mind behind American Psycho and The Rules of Attraction, is filming a porn star. No, it’s not what you think—Ellis wants porn star James Deen to play the lead role in an upcoming film. He really wants the most bang for his buck (I’m sorry). (Vulture)

The New Orleans Saints may not be headed to the Super Bowl, but quarterback Drew Brees has good news regardless. His wife is expecting the couple’s third child. (People)

Halle Berry is  moving on with her new man, and it looks like she called it off with ex Gabriel Aubry at the right time. The man is apparently a wee bit off his rocker, as evidenced by these new child endangerment charges against him. Tsk tsk, we’d be pissed if we lost Halle Berry too, but think about the children! (TMZ)

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