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Baghdad Car Bombs Kill 10

Andrew McIntyre |
January 24, 2012 | 12:27 a.m. PST

Executive Producer

A pair of car bombings rocked Baghdad's northeastern Sadr City Tuesday morning, leaving at least 10 dead and 38 injured, according to Iraq's interior minister.

The first blast hit an area where laborers were gathered and waiting for work.  The second hit a group of people waiting to buy heating fuel, the BBC reports.

Attacks have increased since U.S. troops left Iraq the end of 2011 (Creative Commons)
Attacks have increased since U.S. troops left Iraq the end of 2011 (Creative Commons)

"We were all standing waiting to earn our living and all of a sudden it was like a black storm and I felt myself thrown on the ground. I fainted for a while then I woke up and hurried to one of the cars to take me to the hospital," Ahmed Ali, a 40-year-old laborer, told Reuters Canada.

Since U.S. troops left Iraq at the end of 2011, the country has seen a wave of attacks.  More than 160 people have been killed in January, the Herald Sun reports.



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