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Daily Hollywood – LiLo’s Playboy Cover, Seacrest For “Today”?, and More

Lilian Min |
December 8, 2011 | 1:04 a.m. PST

Associate Entertainment Editor

File this under both “ew” and “uhhh”: Lindsay Lohan’s Playboy cover has leaked. While it was supposed to be “unveiled” on the 15th, the sanctity of this particular event isn’t really troubled by the early release. (The Insider; click to see it, you scoundrels).

The Mythbusters are known for doing plenty of crazy and dangerous experiments, but in this case, sh*t got real. A cannonball shot through a California residence during one particular experiment; nobody was hurt, but seriously, damn. (EW)

Candace Bushnell, the literary genius behind Sex and the City, has filed for divorce from her husband of 9 years. Oh, tell me that this isn’t a foreshadowing of what’ll happen with Carrie and Big in Sex and the City 15! (People)

Can it be: Ryan Seacrest is reportedly in talks with the people behind NBC’s Today to take over Matt Lauer’s hosting position. Next thing we know, Paula Abdul’s going to take over for Ann Curry… (The Hollywood Reporter)

Mindy Kaling is flawless enough already, but the comedienne announced that she’ll be penning and doing voice acting for an animated primetime cartoon on NBC. Perhaps The Animated Adventures of Kelly Kapoor? (if only). (Vulture)

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