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Shani Is On Her Way

Becca Marshall |
November 19, 2011 | 6:30 p.m. PST

Staff Reporter


Shani Shousterman debuts her single "On My Way" at The Mint Saturday night.
Shani Shousterman debuts her single "On My Way" at The Mint Saturday night.
Singer songwriter Shani Shousterman is anything but a pop diva, but her new single “On My Way” has the sass of Sara Bareilles and the jazzy bravado of Norah Jones.

As an up-and-comer, Shani (pronounced “shuh-nee”) is used to these comparisons and embraces the compliment. She even admits to a special affinity for Bareilles, particularly her fearless songwriting. But Shani is a unique artist with fresh stories to tell. 

This Saturday Shani will debut her single “On My Way” at The Mint, one of L.A.’s trendiest music venues. Jeff Fowler is headlining, and Shani will follow with the track she describes as “pop-rock, singer-songwriter style with a little bit of a jazzy blues influence.” Listen here

“On My Way” is a departure from Shani’s first effort, 2009’s “Warm Rain,” which is characterized by slow, heartfelt melodies, jazzy piano rifts and reflective lyrics. The EP is mellow, and “On My Way” is decisively upbeat. It’s dancy and at times reminiscent of 80s pop. Still, Shani stays true to her roots with jazz piano influences. 

The chorus ends, “I’m on my way from innocence to something greater than you’ve ever been.”

For Shani, “On My Way” and the accompanying album, slated for release in March 2012, is fitting for a new start. She recorded and produced “Warm Rain” on her MacBook, a true credit to her abilities. The EP is quality, but the upcoming album, she says, “is much more professional and much bigger than ‘Warm Rain.’”

The song feels like a coming of age. It’s a show of independence, of sass and wit that delves deeper than run-of-the-mill pop. 

“The message it’s portraying is the power you have to stand up for yourself and be your own person. . . . When I was writing it I was thinking, I’m not going to let you put words in my mouth. It’s kind of like ‘I told you so.’” 

The rest of the album sings a similar sassy, upbeat tune. 

Big things are on the horizon for Shani Shousterman. 

“I’m on my way,” she says with a smile. “I’m on my way to something great.”

Shani is currently fundraising to complete her album. If you like what you hear, support Shani's kickstarter campaign here.

Reach Becca Marshall here.  

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