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Olsen Twins Named Vogue's Most Stylish Siblings

Jessica Zech |
November 10, 2011 | 1:29 p.m. PST

Staff Reporter

Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen (creative commons)
Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen (creative commons)
Fashion icons Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen appear on the cover of Vogue as the most stylish siblings.

The Row designers beat other posh pairs like Elle and Dakota Fanning, Ruby and Lily Aldridge, Beyonce and Solange Knowles and Pippa and Kate Middleton.

"We were called eccentric and eclectic," the twins tell the magazine about their entrance into the fashion world. "But we were just two California girls trying to dress for the New York winter."

Vogue Fashion News Director Mark Holgate said choosing the Olsens was "a no-brainer."

"They get it right a lot of the time and then sometimes they don't get it right. That's actually great because it shows that it's their hands reaching into their wardrobes," Holgate told Reuters. "They don't have someone telling them, 'This is cool, this is hot, this is what you should be wearing.' It comes from within them. It's instinctual."

The best dressed issue hits news stands Nov. 15.

Reach writer Jessica Zech here.   

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