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Justin Bieber's Baby-Mama Drama

Jordan Anthony |
November 6, 2011 | 7:39 p.m. PST

Staff Reporter

Justin Bieber (creative commons)
Justin Bieber (creative commons)
The Justin Bieber “Baby” extravaganza launched 20-year-old Mariah Yeater into the spotlight, and public scrutiny. Sources are now claiming the baby-mama has pointed the finger at other men before.

The New York Post quotes her ex-boyfriend John Terranova saying, “she’s a gold digger.” Terranova says she originally told him the baby was his and stated “I know it’s not Justin Bieber. She just wants money. It’s a scam.”

But if it is a lie, it might get her arrested. Yeater claims she was 19- years-old when her and the Biebs had sex, and he was only 16. She is openly admitting to statutory rape under the laws of California, which can possibly cause the 20-year-old to be thrown in jail.

Yeater released several photos of the lovechild, Trysten, and even commented that his mouth looks just like Justin’s. A paternity test is underway, and Bieber’s lawyers are discussing what they are going to do about the scandal. 

Contact writer Jordan here.

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