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Dying Man’s Blinks Will Be Used As Testimony In Ohio Murder Trial

Hannah Madans |
November 14, 2011 | 2:35 p.m. PST

Associate News Editor

Ohio state flag (courtesy of the state of Ohio)
Ohio state flag (courtesy of the state of Ohio)
Prosecutors are using a dying man’s blinks as testimony in a murder trial in Cincinnati, Ohio. The trial was set to open Monday, but was delayed by the defense, according to FOX.

David Chandler is the alleged victim, and star witness in the murder trial of Ricardo Woods. Chandler was shot in the neck last year, but lived long enough to be interviewed by investigators, reports the L.A. Times. Chandler could not speak or move his limbs, however, so he communicated with investigators by blinking.

Through blinking three times, he identified Woods as his killer. A videotape of the interview will be shown at the trial, according to a local NBC affiliate. 

Kory Jackson, Woods’ attorney, told the L.A. Times that the blinks could be interpreted a variety of ways and Chandler’s medication may have affected his ability to understand investigator’s questions.

Chandler died three weeks after being shot. Police told the L.A. Times that he knew Woods through drug dealing.


To reach associate news editor Hannah Madans, click here.


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