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Daily Hollywood – Zooey Deschanel’s Divorce, Justin Bieber’s Paternity Suit, and More

Lilian Min |
November 2, 2011 | 12:13 a.m. PDT

Associate Entertainment Editor

Hello, boys – actress Zooey Deschanel (New Girl) is newly single, separating today from Death Cab for Cutie frontman Ben Gibbard. The two had been married for two years. (US Weekly

Hugh Grant is the proud father of a baby boy. While he has not revealed who the child’s mother is, congrats are in order for the English actor, who’s expressed interest in being a father before. (People)

In truly disturbing news, someone has filed a paternity lawsuit against none other than Justin Bieber. The initial shock at first hearing about this story has since subsided into realization that the Biebs is almost legal (he’s still 17, for all those who care). (EW)

Rick Ross recently suffered a seizure, but now the rapper is back in shape, and has announced that he and Jay-Z have just finished “a huge collaboration” for Ross’ upcoming album. (The Hollywood Reporter

Lindsay Lohan, Kate Hudson, Olivia Wilde – these are some of the names who’ve been attached to biopics of Linda Lovelace, the adult actress who became famous with Deep Throat. Now, Amanda Seyfried is the latest name to be thrown into the mix, with the film to start production next January. Interestingly enough, that is also the time that another Loveless biopic, Inferno, is scheduled to begin production as well, with Malin Akerman in the title role. (Vulture)

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