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Daily Hollywood – A “Bachelorette” Break, The Muppets Invade TV, and More

Lilian Min |
November 22, 2011 | 1:59 a.m. PST

Associate Entertainment Editor

NBC has good news for at least some of its shows (sorry, Community): the series Grimm has been picked up for a full season. (The Hollywood Reporter

Sad news for Bachelor/Bachelorette fans: Ali Fedotowsky and her beau Robert Martinez have split. So goes reality romances… (People

Julie Delpy, who directed the poignant/romantic Before Sunrise, is directing a biopic about the iconic Clash guitarist/vocalist Joe Strummer. (Variety

First, The Lion King, then Titanic; next, it’s The Beauty and the Beast that’s getting the 3D treatment. (Deadline)

The Muppets movie may be out and about, but the big screen isn’t the only screen looking for the puppet treatment; NBC is in talks with the Jim Henson Company to bring a puppet sitcom to life. (Vulture

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