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Bette Midler's 16th Annual "Hulaween" Gala

Samantha Katzman |
November 3, 2011 | 11:38 a.m. PDT


Bette Midler (creative commons)
Bette Midler (creative commons)
For the past 16 years, Bette Midler has thrown a lavish “Hulaween” Gala at New York’s Waldorf Astoria. The star-studded night serves as a benefit for Midler’s charity, the New York Restoration Project (NYRP), a nonprofit dedicated to creating a more eco-friendly and sustainable New York City. 

The evening brought out not only hefty donations, but also extravagant costumes and celebrities galore with a guest list including Martha Stewart, John McEnroe, Michael Kors, and musical guest Stevie Wonder. The theme was a funky combination of Dia de Los Muertos and tropical Hawaiian, with skeletons almost ten feet tall, a mariachi band, and hula dancers in the lobby.  

Midler dressed to the Day of the Dead theme, with little skulls and flowers adorning her headdress. As she welcomed guests, she said “You look fab but let’s cut to the chase: How do I look? Even dead, I look fabulous.”

Celebrities went all out for this Halloween bash, some with costumes so elaborate they had to be taken apart in order to sit down for dinner. But, as Michael Kors noted as judge of the costume contest, it was the green chic attire that made waves at the Gala. 

Model Elettra Wiedemann spooked up some closet staples and appeared as a zombie. She said, “It’s definitely a fun event, but what I really admire is Bette’s work with her foundation.” The organization was set to gain a reported $1.9 million in proceeds from the evening. 

Real-estate developer Douglas Durst, dressed as a tree, won Midler’s “Green God” award for his work with her foundation. Another “Wind Beneath My Wings” award was given to Benjamin Needell, the chairman and pro-bono lawyer for the project. 

All in all the spooky spectacle was a success for all invited, and certainly made for a successful “Hulaween,” with a good cause behind all the fun.  

Reach Sam Katzman here

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