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The Bart And Bombi Show: New England Is Out For Revenge Edition

Ryan Nunez |
November 5, 2011 | 6:15 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Tom Brady and the New England Patriots are out for blood this week in their matchup with New York (Creative Commons).
Tom Brady and the New England Patriots are out for blood this week in their matchup with New York (Creative Commons).
The USC Trojans lost to the Stanford Cardinal and that's all the excuse Joe and Bombi need to keep talking NFL.

Week 9 is do or die for a lot of teams and the guys are all over it.

Coming off an 11-2 week, Bombi is feeling good, taunting Joe over his more than respectable 9-4 record in Week 8. 

The boys focus on the huge matchups between the New York Jets at the Buffalo Bills, plus the New York Giants at the New England Patriots.

Giants-Patriots is a huge rematch of Super Bowl XLII and the guys see a Patriots team with revenge on the brain.

The show winds down the way it always does during football season: With Joe Scott's patented fantasy football start 'ems and sit 'ems.

Wondering what Receiver to play? Wondering if the Patriots are going to crush the Giants?

Check out this week's show!

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The Bart And Bombi Podcast:



Craig Gillespie directed this true story about "the most daring rescue mission in the history of the U.S. Coast Guard.”

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