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The Apollo Circle Benefit At The Metropolitan Museum Of Art

Samantha Katzman |
November 6, 2011 | 7:21 p.m. PST


An after-hours party at the Metropolitan Museum of Art transformed its galleries into a swanky black-tie event for the Apollo Circle, an involvement group for individuals age 21-39.

In its 8th annual event, the Apollo Circle Benefit raises funds to support the Museum’s Conservation Department. 

Creative treats made from some of America’s finest delicacies (Ho Ho’s and Snowflakes) were served at the bar while the Misshapes rocked the house for some art-loving youth.

Among the lavishly dressed guests were Seth Meyers, model Julie Henderson, socialite Zani Gugelmann, and Vogue’s Sylvana Ward Durrett and Meredith Melling Burke. 

The theme of the night was “Pop!” paying homage to the art movement of the 1950s.

The gallery, planned by designer Carolina Herrera, was adorned with bright geometric lights and movie clips playing on the walls. The mirrored dance floor, though in the theme of the “Pop!” art movement," left ladies with knees locked avoiding some unsightly views

But that was the only hiccup of the night, while people enjoyed their sweet and savory treats and raising funds for the museum, the event (for the most part) went off without a hitch. 




Reach writer Sam Katzman here

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