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After Black Friday, Shoppers Enjoy Small Business Saturday

Mike Vulpo |
November 26, 2011 | 10:36 a.m. PST

Executive Producer

Small Business Saturday (smallbusinesssaturday.com)
Small Business Saturday (smallbusinesssaturday.com)
After a busy Black Friday that saw stores opening earlier and foot traffic higher than years past,  a movement is underway to help support small companies in “Small Business Saturday.”

According to a survey by American Express, 89 million consumers plan to “shop small” this Saturday.

Cities including New York, Detroit, Miami, Boston and Los Angeles are some of the big regions participating. The purpose of the event is to help small businesses in the economy as many shoppers tend to shop only at big-box stores. 

Saturday morning, President Obama helped support the day by taking his daughters, Sasha and Malia, to a small bookstore near the White House. 

Retailers across the country are also preparing for Cyber Monday, the first Monday of the holiday shopping season where people head back to work and spend time shopping. Many companies are planning special online deals including free shipping and handling and tax-free offers for their customers.

Despite the successful Black Friday and upcoming shopping days, analysts are cautious about how much consumers will spend throughout the holiday season in an unstable economy. 

"The big question for all of us is, will consumers continue to come out through the rest of the season," said John Squire, chief strategy officer of IBM Smarter Commerce. As of now, it appears they are.

Reach writer Mike Vulpo here

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