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"Zombieland" TV Show In The Works For Fox

Megan Singson |
October 20, 2011 | 3:36 p.m. PDT

Staff Writer

"Zombieland" (Columbia Pictures)
"Zombieland" (Columbia Pictures)
Move over Edward Cullen, zombies are the new vampires. Zombies have been invading the world of entertainment in the past few years with cult-classic films such as “28 Days Later” and “Shaun of the Dead,” and now the highly successful TV show “The Walking Dead.” Fans of the flesh-eating undead have something else to be excited about. Vulture reports that Fox it is developing a TV show version of the 2009 blockbuster “Zombieland.” 

A pilot script for “Zombieland” was actually ordered back in 2005 by CBS, who ended up passing on the idea. Syfy was also interested but financial issues also prevented production of the show. Instead, the film was created in 2009, and made more than $100 million at the worldwide box office. The surprise blockbuster jumpstarted the careers of stars Jesse Eisenberg (“The Social Network”) and Emma Stone (“Easy A”).

With the film’s success, Columbia Pictures made plans to developt a sequel. Instead, the original writers of the film, Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, have signed up to create a half-hour TV version of the horror-comedy. “We always thought [it should be a TV series],” Reese previously told MTV News. “We have the ‘Zombie Kill of the Week,’ which was intended to happen every week.”

Although Eisenberg and Stone will not return as zombie killers, the show has potential to be a big hit with the people's increasing obsession with zombies in pop culture.

Reach staff writer Megan Singson here

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