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"X-Factor" Fans To Vote Via Twitter

Alexis Driggs |
October 26, 2011 | 2:04 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter


(Image courtesy of Creative Commons)
(Image courtesy of Creative Commons)
Tweetaholics rejoice! Twitter is making it easier than ever to vote for your favorite "X-Factor"contestants. 

Next week, when the Final Twelve take the stage for the first round of public voting, viewers will be able to vote through more than just the old standbys of phone calls and texting. The show will introduce voting on the Facebook page and direct messaging on Twitter. 

Simon Cowell said this change will also allow viewers who do not live in the United States to vote for their favorites. 

Twitter’s blog explains how to vote via direct message, and reminds that no regular tweets will be counted as votes. 

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