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Will Joe Biden Or Hillary Clinton Run For President In 2016?

Mike Vulpo |
October 22, 2011 | 10:43 a.m. PDT

Executive Producer

Will Joe Biden run for President in 2016? (creative commons)
Will Joe Biden run for President in 2016? (creative commons)
The Republicans don’t even have an official candidate for the 2012 Presidential race against President Barack Obama. Nonetheless, that isn’t stopping some Democrats from looking ahead and sharing their thoughts on a possible Presidential run in 2016.

Current Vice President Joe Biden left the possibility for a run for commander in chief open telling CNN in an interview expected to air Sunday that he will “make up my mind on that later.”

"I'm in one of the, probably the best shape I've been in in my life … I'm doing pretty well,” Biden said. “I'm enjoying what I'm doing, and as long as I do, I'm going to continue to do it."

"And we'll find out, you know, let's get the president reelected," Biden said to CNN anchor Candy Crowley.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's name has also began to float around as a possible candidate in 2016.

"I have done the best I can. But now I want to try some other things. I want to get back to writing and maybe some teaching, working on women and girls around the world," she told NBC’s "Today" show earlier this week.

When asked about replacing Biden as Vice President in 2012, her response was, “I do not think it's even in the realm of possibility, and in large measure because I think Vice President Biden has done an amazingly good job.’’

Reach writer Mike Vulpo here

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