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Website Delivers In-N-Out Anywhere In The U.S.

Natalie Fung |
October 30, 2011 | 4:47 p.m. PDT

Staff Contributer

With countless blogs and forums dedicated to the love of In-N-Out

In-n-Out Double-Doubles will ship anywhere for $56. (Creative Commons/Flickr).
In-n-Out Double-Doubles will ship anywhere for $56. (Creative Commons/Flickr).
burgers, it's no wonder that some people would go to extreme measures to get their hands on one. Unfortunately for many, In-N-Out is only available in five states: Arizona, Nevada, Texas, Utah, and of course, California. But for those living anywhere else, they will now be able to experience the juicy goodness of a Double-Double.

Midtown Row, a company dedicated to bringing the best-of-the-best foods straight to your home, is offering to bring customers two Double-Double burgers, classic or Animal Style, for $50, plus a $6 shipping fee. According to their website, the burgers will be frozen fresh and shipped overnight to anywhere in the country.

But even with guaranteed freshness, the company still warns, "Midtown Row will ship with proper refrigeration via overnight mail, but reheat and consume at your own risk."

A Double-Double at any In-N-Out location is $3.35 plus tax. Compared to $56 for two, that seems like a steep price to pay.

In addition to In-N-Out, Midtown Row also offers an array of different foods from around the world. The website boasts,

"Want to try the coffee Mark Zuckerberg drinks every day? Or the favorite tea of some of the biggest CEOs and celebrities? ... You'll find an incredible selection - often exclusively - on Midtown Row."


Reach Natalie Fung here. Follow Natalie Fung on Twitter.

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