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Trend Spotting: Capes

Audrey Noble |
October 25, 2011 | 11:41 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

I’m not talking about that piece of cloth superheroes wear to look cool when they fly. No, say hello to fall’s new go-to coat: the cape

Fashion Capes. Image found on weheartit.com.
Fashion Capes. Image found on weheartit.com.

With its dramatic tent-like shape, all eyes are on this fashion forward outerwear piece, however, what’s most attractive about the cape is its ability to be subtle while also attention grabbing. It gives both a classic and innovative look to everything you wear. Best of all, throw a cape over whatever you’re wearing at the moment, and you’ll look effortlessly stylish. Here are some tips on how to wear this statement piece.

For Work or Class: Wear a pair of dark wash skinny jeans tucked into riding boots with a cape that ends at the hip. The fitted structure on the bottom is the perfect offset to the volume the cape gives up top. Accessorize with a knit beanie and you’ll look perfectly chic 

For Dinner: Wear tight leather leggings with a pair of pumps to give an edgy vibe. For a more classic look, a cropped cape matches a short mini skirt accessorized with tights and a pair of mary-janes. A nice clutch to hold your cell, lip-gloss, and credit card finishes the look. 

For A Night Out: Pair your party dress with black tights and high-heeled ankle boots. The cape is going to be the main focus of the outfit, so tights and boots should be fairly simple.

Capes can be tricky when it comes to size, so make sure you choose wisely and pick the cape that best fits your body shape. It can be either cropped, short, or long, so choose whatever size works best for you! 

Reach reporter Audrey here. Follow her on twitter

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