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Rough Weekend For Former Guns N' Roses Bandmates

Greg Asciutto |
October 23, 2011 | 10:39 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Axl Rose doing his best Bret Michaels in 2010 (Creative Commons)
Axl Rose doing his best Bret Michaels in 2010 (Creative Commons)
It was an awkward, embarrassing weekend for former Guns N' Roses bandmates Axl Rose and Duff McKagan. 

Rose, the controversial frontman who has an entire Wikipedia page devoted to his "feuds and rivalries," fell offstage during Thursday night's performance in Mexico City. While mumbling (he's losing his famous screetch) the lyrics to Bob Dylan's "Knockin' on Heaven's Door," Rose apparently lost his footing and slipped mid-lyric. The 49-year-old singer is no stranger to falling offstage, but he usually does it on his own accord

Guns N' Roses, or the Axl Rose Band, kicks off its U.S. tour this Friday in Orlando; it will be the band's first tour in five years. 

Duff McKagan, former GNR bassist and current ESPN-columnist, is on the road promoting his recently-published autobiography It's So Easy: and other lies. At a book signing in Seattle over the weekend, McKagan was heckled by a man who wanted details about his last conversation with Nirvana icon Kurt Cobain

The two musicians shared a plane ride from Los Angeles to Seattle in the spring of 1994; many believe that the bassist was one of the last people to see Cobain alive. In an interview with VH1 earlier this year, McKagan stated: "We were both sort of in the same boat. A couple guys recognizing where each other was at... It’s no fun being that completely and utterly addicted."

As security escorted the heckler out of the session, he grew hostile and began shouting obscenities; at this, McKagan came offstage to ensure that the instigator was properly dismissed. 

For what it's worth, the situation could have been worse. Like if Axl Rose felt he was being asked too many questions. Hopefully, he won't feel the need to write a memoir any time soon. 

Reach reporter Greg Asciutto here

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