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Occupy LA Protestors Spread Awareness Through Art And Discussion

Susie Plascencia |
October 31, 2011 | 7:33 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Hundreds of activists in support of the Occupy L.A. Movement have found an indefinite home in front of the Los Angeles City Hall.

Camping tents completely covered the lawn of the city hall on Saturday, as protesters gathered for meetings and discussions over issues like government spending to lack of job opportunities.

Jesse Dotson, 22 is among the campers, and feels that bringing awareness through gatherings is essential for reform.
“…[what] I fell in love with is people coming together and just like genuinely wanting to engage with each other about these really sort of serious big issues about the quality of life which is sort of a taboo subject I found in my life,” said Dotson.

Dotson also spreads awareness of the movement through self-printing ‘99%’ bandanas and giving them out for free.
He added, “I started working with the movement and actually printed the first t-shirts the night after the first general assembly. It’s important to put the message in the hands of people and hope they can understand it.”

While it has been almost a month since the occupation, Dotson, along with other activists say they will continue to live on the City Hall grounds until further notice.

Reach Reporter Susie Plascencia Here

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