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Lindsay Lohan Kicked Out Of Community Service Program

Audrey Noble |
October 13, 2011 | 8:14 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

(Image found on wikimedia commons)
(Image found on wikimedia commons)
Actress Lindsay Lohan has been kicked out of a community service program at the Downtown Women’s Center in L.A. 

According to TMZ, Lohan was kicked out of the program for violating the rules numerous times. Sources told the gossip website that Lohan has blown off nine scheduled visits and when she did show up, she would leave after only an hour. 

The actress has been ordered to serve 360 hours at the center as part of her probation in the shoplifting case. Judge Stephanie Sautner required her to be “reliable, non-disruptive, and serve at least four hours at a time.”

The Probation Department’s volunteer center has now sent Lohan to the Red Cross. 

TMZ reports that along with the violations, the number of community service hours that Lohan has done is “very unimpressive”. 

Lohan is due back in court next week at a progress hearing. Sautner has previously warned the actress that if she makes another mistake, she will send Lohan to jail. 

Reach reporter Audrey here.

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