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Giuliana Rancic Diagnosed With Breast Cancer

Madeline Morris |
October 17, 2011 | 1:27 p.m. PDT

Staff Contributor

Giuliana Rancic, E! Host (Flickr)
Giuliana Rancic, E! Host (Flickr)
Giuliana Rancic, host of “E! News” and “Fashion Police” on E! told Ann Curry on Monday's "Today" show of her recent breast cancer diagnosis.  

“It was incredible instant sobbing, and it was like the world just crashed down around me,” Giuliana said. “I couldn’t believe it, 36 years old, no family history.” 

She went on to say, "I think a lot of us think we're invincible. But we have to start putting ourselves on the to-do list. I just want women out there to know if you can just find it early, you'll be OK. I found it early."

Giuliana has been publicly airing her efforts to get pregnant through in vitro fertilization on her reality show "Giuliana and Bill." It was this process of attaining a child that revealed her sickness- Giuliana’s infertility specialist insisted that she have a mammogram before undergoing her third round of in vitro fertilization. 

The specialist said, “’I don’t care if you’re 26 or 36, but I will not get you pregnant if possibly there’s a small risk that you have cancer because the hormones will accelerate the cancer,’” said Giuliana.

Giuliana is scheduled to undergo surgery sometime this week, followed by six weeks of radiation.

Even cancer won’t stop this host from her dream of having a baby, however.  Giuliana says she plans on continuing the effort after she has completed the battle. "I'm not gonna give up, I want that baby. And what's amazing is that baby will have saved my life…”

Reach Reporter Madeline Morris here.

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