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Eight NYPD Officers Charged in Gun Smuggling Operation

Mary Slosson |
October 25, 2011 | 11:24 p.m. PDT

Executive Editor

NYPD officers (Photo courtesy Creative Commons)
NYPD officers (Photo courtesy Creative Commons)
Eight New York Police Department officers, including five on active duty, were charged with illegal interstate transportation of stolen goods including weapons, the Federal Bureau of Investigations announced on Tuesday.

Twelve people in total were charged in an alleged conspiracy to transport stolen slot machines, stolen cigarettes and counterfeit goods in addition to the weapons across state lines, the FBI said.

In total, the goods that the defendants allegedly illegally transported carried a street value of over $1 million, the FBI said.

The weapons included three M-16 rifles, one shotgun, and 16 handguns, according to the FBI, the majority of which had been defaced to remove or alter their serial numbers.

"It goes without saying that crimes of this sort are reprehensible—particularly conspiring to import untraceable guns and assault rifles into New York," Special Agent in Charge Diego Rodriguez said in a statement. "When sworn public servants of any stripe—but especially sworn law enforcement officers—abuse their positions and commit crimes, it undermines public confidence in all of us."

The men involved received over $100,000 for the items smuggled across state lines, the FBI said, and could face up to 25 years in prison if convicted on all counts.

"A group of crime fighters took to moonlighting as criminals," said Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara. "A gang of police officers who should have been keeping guns off the street instead smuggled 20 firearms into the City... (and) a number of men once charged with enforcing the law are now charged with breaking it."

Lawyers for the men charged were not available for comment, according to the New York Times.


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