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Daily Hollywood – A Weezer Death, “The Simpsons” To Continue, and More

Lilian Min |
October 10, 2011 | 12:22 a.m. PDT

Associate Entertainment Editor

Sad news for Weezer fans everywhere: Mikey Welsh, the band’s former bassist, died this weekend unexpectedly. He was only 40. (The Hollywood Reporter)

Despite rumors of marital discontent, Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher were seen together this week looking *gasp* friendly. (People)

Another fall TV casualty: this time it’s CBS’ How To Be A Gentleman. (EW)

Simpsons fans, rejoice! After initial speculation over whether or not the show’s voice actors would continue on with the show, the series is set to run for at least 2 more seasons. (Vulture)

Cheers to Sir Paul McCartney, who married Nancy Shevell over the weekend. The new missus wore a dress by the former Beatles’ daughter, Stella. (US Weekly)

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