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Coma Crisis Strikes Anderson Cooper's Show

Madeline Moris |
October 3, 2011 | 2:03 a.m. PDT

Staff Contributor

Anderson Cooper, Anchor and Talk Show host (image via Flickr)
Anderson Cooper, Anchor and Talk Show host (image via Flickr)

A teenage boy who was scheduled to appear on an upcoming episode of Anderson Cooper’s daytime talk show, "Anderson," is now in a coma

The boy fell and severely hit his head while filming himself skateboarding for the show, which was to be about the science of the teenage brain.

Gawker reported that the boy was encouraged by the show’s producer to tape all the “the crazy stuff [he does].”
 Cooper is reportedly “distraught.”  “I was very saddened to hear the news of this accident, and want to express my deepest concerns for the teenager who was injured. I take this situation seriously, and my thoughts and prayers for his health, well-being and recovery are with him and his family,” said Cooper. 

The extent of which the show is responsible for spurring reckless behavior, and, subsequently, the boy’s injury, is in question.  A Warner Bros. Television representative said, “As part of our routine process, we ask guests for video footage and photos. We did not provide the family with a camera. On the morning that they were supposed to travel to NYC, we learned that the teen had been injured. We are very concerned about him…” 

Reach Reporter Madeline Morris here.

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