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Cain's 999 Plan Discussed During GOP Debate

Agnus Dei Farrant |
October 11, 2011 | 6:13 p.m. PDT

Assistant News Editor

Herman Cain.
Herman Cain.
Tuesday night’s Republican Presidential Debate covered Herman Cain’s proposed 999 plan and tax discussions.

Michele Bachmann said the United States is spending 40 percent more than it’s taking in every year. Bachmann pointed out the younger members of the audience and said they won’t have the same tax rate Bachmann and her peers have.

“Their tax rate could be as high as 75 percent,” Bachmann said. “We’ve got to get our spending house in order.”

Cain’s 999 plan came in focus which includes a 9 percent flat tax rate for personal income, business and sales tax.




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