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Survey Finds Students See Internet As Important As Food And Water

Shea Huffman |
September 24, 2011 | 4:45 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter


A new study by Cisco finds students feel they cannot live without internet.  (Image credit Declan Jewell)
A new study by Cisco finds students feel they cannot live without internet. (Image credit Declan Jewell)
A recent study by Cisco has found one in three college students consider access to the internet as important as resources like food, water, and even air, suggesting the growing importance of the technology.

The "2011 Cisco Connected World Technology Report" states more than half of the study's subjects ranked the internet as an "integral part of their lives," and in some cases said it was more important than socializing or dating.

From The Hindu:

On the social life, people had indicated that Internet was more important to them than dating, going out with friends or listening to music.  [Mahesh Gupta, Vice-President, Business-Borderless Networks, Cisco] said within certain countries, including India, updating Facebook was ranked as the highest priority than socialising. About 91 per cent of college students and 88 per cent of employees globally had Facebook account. The other interesting factor was that two-thirds of students and more than half of employees (58 per cent) felt that a mobile device (laptop, smartphone or tablets) was the most important technology device in their lives.

According to eweek.com, the study also found college students reported an increase in online interruptions while doing schoolwork to instead spend time chatting or updating social media.

Reach reporter Shea Huffman here.


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