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Remembering Steve Jobs: Top 5 Jobs Moments

Tom Dotan, Jacob Chung |
October 5, 2011 | 11:43 p.m. PDT

Steve Jobs' magnetic presence and charisma was unmatched by any CEO. On or off stage, Jobs managed to draw in his audience by sharing a part of his genius. Here are some of his most memorable moments. 

5. A jocular Steve Jobs introduces the birth of a new operating system by laying to death the old. His showmanship on stage reflects Jobs' ingenuity in marketing. 


4. A youthful Steve Jobs introduces the original Macintosh computer--or rather, the Macintosh is allowed to introduce itself. Even as a young CEO, Jobs was able to bring the crowd to its feet with what was then a marvel in personal computing. 


3. In a rare and highly anticipated event, Steve Jobs sits with Bill Gates to discuss the pioneers of the tech industry at the All Things Digital 5 conference. Though fierce in compeition, their respect for each other was evident. 


2. In a truly historic and revolutionary event in mobile computing, Jobs introduces the first iPhone to the crowd's 

Part 2


1. Steve Jobs speaks of his hardships and successes in life during the Stanford Commencement Speech 2005--a candid look into Jobs. 

Jobs' contribution and legacy in technology will continue on. 


Reach Tom Dotan here.

Reach Jacob Chung here

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