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RAW: Natural Born Artists

Chanel Farrell |
September 30, 2011 | 11:01 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

 natural born artists
natural born artists

Kicking off the night with art and alcohol, RAW: natural born artists on September 29 in Santa Monica, showcased a variety of art at the start of the night. Upon walking into the event there was an array of photographs, paintings, and prints displayed in different sections of the V-Lounge.  Each artist had a few pieces from their collection in a small space essentially showcasing what the rest of their pieces resembled. Whether it was paintings of Levi jeans by Adam B. Nissenson  or Gino Burman Loffredo’s take on “Team Edward,” there was art for any viewer to enjoy.

After walking around the lounge and enjoying the art, two bands performed. The first was a one-man band, with the lead singer being an acoustic type fellow with a very soothing voice. Half way into his set, he was joined by a harmonica player to vamp up his performance. The second band was a group of four with two lead singers and the other two jamming on the instruments. This band was a hair flipping, lively group who had  the lounge with all eyes on them.

As soon as the art was seen, and the bands had performed, I was waiting in anticipation for the fashion show. At this time it was 11:00 p.m. and the event started at 8:00 p.m. so you can imagine my eagerness. Finally the music started to play for the show to begin. Lola Paige was the first to hit the runway with its collection of beach wear. Lola Paige is targeted towards the typical southern California gal looking to head out in warm weather in something casual, comfortable, and cute. Inkdthread was completely different than Lola Paige.

Inkdthread is set on the popular slogan “Go Green.” Everything in the collection is made of reusable products. Things like postcards, tissue paper, bottle tops, trash bags, film and more to carry on the idea of being environmentally friendly. Since inkdthread was made of these products, the outfits were not something to be worn on a practical day. To finish off the night, making his debut with his line was Atelier Basil. Basil’s line was a feminine and filled with different colors. The style was very form fitting and perfect for hitting the town. Overall, RAW appeals to anyone with an interest in art, music, and fashion and is great platform for any artist looking to show off their artistry.



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