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Perry Ellis Spring 2012 Runway Show

Allison Selick |
September 12, 2011 | 7:20 p.m. PDT

Fashion Editor

(Image Courtesy of Luxurist.blogspot.com)
(Image Courtesy of Luxurist.blogspot.com)
Perry Ellis’ Spring 2012 Fashion show was accompanied with a series of monotonous beeps that read as the elevator music of fashion. Monotonous is how I would describe the majority of the show’s apparel as well. The classically handsome male models wore tan suits throughout the show. Preppy basics such as cotton shorts and cardigans were a staple. Brilliant yellow pants, shorts and sweaters were seen near the end of his show, and a salmon cardigan was even thrown into the mix. An all-white suit was seen as well.

Overall, the show seemed more like a storefront than a production. So here’s to Perry Ellis: classy, classic, safe. 

Reach writer Allison Selick here 

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