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"Modern Family" Is Back With A Bang

Samantha Katzman |
September 21, 2011 | 10:59 p.m. PDT

Staff Writer

"Modern Family" returns to ABC Wednesdays (Courtesy of ABC)
"Modern Family" returns to ABC Wednesdays (Courtesy of ABC)
"Modern Family" premiered Wednesday night in a two-part season premiere. The first episode took the recent Emmy winner on a family trip to a dude ranch in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Cam and Mitchell announced that they are adopting a baby boy, this time from America, or as Cam calls it, “buying domestic.” This rugged trip made for great comedy and hilariously outlined the cast’s already uniquely quirky personalities; Alex Dunphy even finding some wilderness romance. 

In the second episode, the family is back at home in Los Angeles. Cam and Mitchell are trying to prepare the new grown up Lily for having a new brother, and she is less than thrilled. Gloria tries to pull a fast one on Jay to get Manny out of some trouble and the Dunphy’s resume their usual familial quarrels.  

ABC is right on track with the double-header of "Modern Family." This show is one of the best comedies on TV right now. The writing is fresh and witty and I wish it were on for an hour every week.

Reach Samantha Katzman here 

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