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Michelle Williams, Actress No More?

Madeline Morris |
September 19, 2011 | 11:57 a.m. PDT

Staff Contributor

Actress Michelle Williams (Flickr)
Actress Michelle Williams (Flickr)
Actress Michelle Williams had a recent epiphany that could devastate her fans should she ever decide to act upon it.  In a recent interview with Hobo Magazine, Williams expresses her innermost feelings on all of life’s possibilities

"I often dream of quitting acting. Walking away and becoming a laundress or a sous chef or maybe writing other people's love letters for a living," 31-year-old Williams tells the magazine. "Clearly, I don't like to be in charge. And thinking of quitting is just keeping going in disguise. When you have options, anything is bearable. It's when a situation is inescapable that it becomes hell. It seems to me that as soon as you get good at something, it is a sure sign that it is about to walk out of your life because it ceases to hold your mind and creative energy hostage."

The star’s reflections could likely be influenced by her role as iconoclast Marilyn Monroe in the upcoming film “My Week with Marilyn.” Transforming into Monroe is no easy feat, but Williams is known for her aptitude in taking on dramatic characters.

The two time Oscar nominee is famous for her roles in “Brokeback Mountain,” “Shutter Island,” and “Blue Valentine.”  “My Week with Marilyn” will premiere at the New York Film Festival in October.  

Reach reporter Madeline Morris here.

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