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Libyan Rebels On Their Toes Should Talks Collapse

Staff Reporters |
September 5, 2011 | 10:15 a.m. PDT

Inside the Bani Walid Museum in Libya. (Creative Commons)
Inside the Bani Walid Museum in Libya. (Creative Commons)
Thousands of Libyan rebels stood ready to pounce on supporters of Col. Muammar Gaddafi in Bani Walid on Monday as they awaited word on whether a fresh round of negotiations was enough to persuade the supporters to peacefully surrender.

The rebels have continued to put off deadlines for supporters to lay down their arms in the handful of remaining Gaddafi strongholds. And in Bani Walid, negotiations that were dead Sunday morning re-opened a day later, according to Al Jazeera.

While the rebels control of most of Libya, their revolution will not be a success until Gaddafi and his key supporters are caught. Some of those influential allies are believed to be in Bani Walid. Gaddafi's location remains unknown.

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