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Group Asks NYC Hotel Not To Host Ahmadinejad

Reut Cohen |
September 15, 2011 | 8:31 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

(Presidential Press and Information Office, Creative Commons)
(Presidential Press and Information Office, Creative Commons)
United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI), a non-profit advocacy group, is calling on Warwick hotel not to host Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his delegation during his stay in New York for the United Nations General Assembly which begins Sept. 19.

“Do you honestly think it is appropriate to provide accommodations to the leader of such a detestable regime, specifically in the very city where the worst of 9/11 occurred?” wrote UANI president Mark D. Wallace in a letter to Warwick executives.

In the statement Wallace also said that UANI will peacefully protest all of the hotel chain’s properties worldwide should the hotel host the Iranian president.

“Warwick is accepting blood money from a regime that presents an overwhelming threat to global security,” said Wallace. “By turning a blind eye to the regime's flagrant violations of human rights, support for al-Qaeda and its commitment to an illegal nuclear weapons program, the Warwick is once again facilitating Ahmadinejad's misuse of [the United nations General Assembly] for the purposes of disseminating propaganda of an illegitimate and brutal dictatorship that flouts international law.”

On Monday the Columbia Spectator reported that 15 members of the Columbia International Relations Council might dine with Ahmadinejad on Sept. 21.

Columbia University courted controversy in 2007 when Iran’s president spoke on campus.


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