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FIRST LOOK: The Cast Of Tim Burton's "Dark Shadows"

Sarah Parvini |
September 22, 2011 | 11:59 a.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Photo Courtesy of Entertainment Weekly
Photo Courtesy of Entertainment Weekly
Move over Rob Pattinson, Johnny Depp is the new vamp in town. Entertainment Weekly released the first official promo for “Dark Shadows” today, Tim Burton’s newest foray into the dark and twisted. Adding another film to the vampire trend, Burton puts his spin on the 1960s TV classic. “Dark Shadows” is a gothic-horror story that focuses on the life of vampire Barnabas Collins (not Cullen!) and his various encounters with monsters, witches, werewolves and ghosts. 

Burton-movie regulars Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham-Carter star in the film, with Depp as Barnabas Collins and Bonham-Carter as the live-in psychiatrist, Dr. Julia Hoffman.

Fans of “Dark Shadows” are probably relieved after seeing the official image, considering how outrageous the first shots of Depp as Barnabas were—he looked like an odd Willy Wonka-Mad Hatter hybrid. The new shot of the cast portrays Depp in a more acceptable way (for the macabre, at least). Burton’s Barnabas strongly resembles the original, portrayed by Jonathan Frid, which is sure to please purists.

The film’s other notable stars include Chloe Moretz, Eva Green, and Michelle Pfeiffer. “Dark Shadows” hits theatres May 11, 2012.

Reach staff reporter Sarah Parvini here.

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