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Daily Hollywood - Zooey Gets A Guy and More

Lilian Min |
September 2, 2011 | 1:09 a.m. PDT

Associate Entertainment Editor

Audrina Partridge, of The Hills “fame,” officially announced that she will not be filming a new season her reality show, Audrina. To all two of her fans: sorry. (The Huffington Post

Zooey Deschanel’s new sitcom New Girl already promises to be the twee-est thing on television come fall, and now that twee factor is being doubled. Justin Long, of Mac/Die Hard/Drew Barrymore fame, is signed to play Deschanel’s love interest for a few episodes. (The Hollywood Reporter

Kristen Stewart is slowly moving beyond her Twilight roots and into… music videos? Yep, that’s her starkly lit face in the music video for Marcus Foster’s “I Was Broke.” Watch the video here.

Justin Timberlake may have been more preoccupied with movies (The Social Network, Bad Teacher, Friends With Benefits) lately than making new music, but lest anyone should forget his musical background, Timberlake spontaneously performed in NYC last night. (TMZ

T.I. is officially doing it wrong: less than a day after being released from prison, he’s already back in federal custody. The reason: something about his luxury bus, which was reportedly taking him to a halfway house. (Vulture)

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